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(2 edits)

This is a pretty good first-person horror controller! The sound effects feel very realistic, particularly the footsteps and slide, and give that tension feeling that is common in horror. The sliding was particularly fun, and could definitely be used for running from enemies and skidding down corridors! I also liked being able to click R to look behind me. Definitely a great prototype for tension/chase horror games!

Few things I would recommend:

1. It would be nice if the slide button could be changed. Pressing control+shift while playing is really hard, and requires me to stop and get my fingers in the right position. I would recommend making it a letter key, such as Q.

2. If you plan to enable interaction via E or LMB, I would suggest adding a crosshair so you can know what you are aiming at. However, since the demo does not have any interaction, it doesn't cause any issues.

Other than that, it's pretty good! Add some materials and make something awesome!


I forgot to mention, the shader is also pretty good. It is, however, hard to see, so you might want to lower it or allow the player to toggle it off and on. On the other hand, this could be what you want. It really depends on the game.

I made the letter Q be the crouch and by combining the two keys the slide is made, and I plan to add doors since it is a factory with offices that I have in mind, and I added the sight to make the vision easier

Sounds great! Good luck with the project :)